University Counselling
The International School of Ulaanbaatar University & College Counseling program helps students reach the next stage of their development — young adulthood. The U&C Counselor work closely with our secondary students to increase their awareness of careers suitable to their interests and capabilities and to assist them in their final years in making choices about post-graduation plans and with the complexities of the university and college application process.
The U&C Counseling services also include the administration of standardized tests such as PSAT and SAT exams (standardized tests required for university entrance in North America); arranging for university and college admissions officers to visit ISU; and holding university and college evening information sessions for parents.
Class of 2023

In order to keep students and families informed regarding the university application process, ISU uses CIALFO, a comprehensive and secure web-based software system and database. CIALFO allows students and parents to access information and is a way for students to research universities and organize their university list. All high school students as well as parents are provided access to CIALFO.