
The International Baccalaureate

As a fully-authorised, IB Continuum School, ISU offers three IB programmes - the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), and the Diploma Programme (DP). To maintain this authorisation, ISU is cyclically re-evaluated on a five-year basis to ensure that we meet the standards expected of an IB World School. ISU was last re-accredited in 2016 and will come due once more late in 2021.

International Baccalaureate

The Council of International Schools

CIS is based in the Netherlands and is the foremost accrediting agency in International Education. International Accreditation ensures that ISU’s programmes, structure and practices are strong, which allows our school to be recognized by universities around the world.  In turn, this provides the finest opportunities to our students for further international education and the global mobility that it permits.

New England Association of Schools & Colleges

NEASC is based in Burlington, Massachusetts and it accredits both schools within the USA and international schools abroad.  Accreditation by NEASC gives our students and their studies firm recognition and equivalence with programmes offered by other accredited schools in the United States, providing even firmer assurance of the transferability and portability of their ISU credentials.



Professional Associations

ISU also associated with the following educational organizations to provide quality-assured programs in our school.

Association of China and Mongolia International Schools

ISU is a proud founding member of the Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS), now in its 23rd year. ACAMIS is an association of 77 schools, representing about 64000 students and 8000 teachers. Its purpose is to:

  • Broaden the learning opportunities for students of all ACAMIS member schools in a total program of education, especially in sports competitions and arts and culture;
  • Advance the professional development of staff of member schools;
  • Facilitate communication and cooperative action among member schools;
  • Promote understanding and international friendship through the activities of member schools;
  • Cooperate with other organisations and individuals pursuing similar purposes as ACAMIS.

Through ACAMIS, ISU has long participated in multi-school events designed to engage students athletically and academically, and to provide valuable professional development to the faculty of those schools.

The East Asia Regional Council of Schools

We are also a member of the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS), an organization of more than 190 schools, representing some 115,000 students, and now more than 50 years old which:

  • Develops collaborative educational partnerships within the region as well as worldwide to foster greater access to expertise.
  • Provides targeted and differentiated professional development opportunities for member communities.
  • Connects schools, communities, and individuals through the use of technology to promote collaboration, communication, intercultural understanding, and access to broader educational opportunities.
  • Engages adults and students in learning activities across the region that will promote friendship, understanding and global citizenship.
  • Conducts and communicate research and archive relevant data to identify and enhance exceptional educational practices.

Association for the Advancement of International Education

Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) is a non-profit, membership-based international organization that partners with educational institutions and associations worldwide to exchange international ideas, resources and research that help develop and improve international education, to diversify and expand school leadership capacity.