PYP Subject Areas


We believe that we learn about language and that we learn through language. Language learning in the Primary involves oral (listening and speaking), visual (viewing and presenting) and written (reading and writing) strands. As much as possible, these different areas of language learning are authentically integrated into the unit of inquiry.


We believe that the most impactful way to learn math is when it is an authentic way to describe the world around you. Therefore, whenever possible, math is integrated in the unit of inquiry. Math in the Primary school is structured around the following strands: data handling, measurement, shape and space, pattern and function and number.


Science in the Primary school is an inquiry into different aspects of the natural world and the connections between them. Specifically, this includes biological, chemical, and physical explorations. Science skills support the learning of content in the following strand areas: living things, earth and space, materials and matter and forces and energy. Science is an integrated part of units of inquiry.

Social Studies

As an integrated part of units of inquiry, social studies is the study of people as positioned in the past, the present or the future. Specifically, this is the study of the interconnection between people, society and the environment. Social studies strands include: human systems and economic activities, social organization and culture, continuity and change through time, human and natural environments and resources and the environment.

Visual & Performing Arts

An inquiry into the arts provides students the opportunity to learn about themselves and the world around them. In the Primary school, we offer Performing Arts and Visual Arts. Within these subject areas, creating and responding frame the curriculum strands. Because expression is a fundamental part of learning, the arts are integrated into units of inquiry whenever authentic and impactful.

Physical Education

We believe that students need to understand how our personal, social, emotional and physical lives come together to inform our relationships, our wellbeing and the development of a healthy lifestyle. Curriculum areas in physical education include: identity, active living and interactions. Understanding ourselves in relation to others means that when authentic and meaningful, physical education is an integrated part of units of inquiry.